Your Amazing Hands

A Training Young Hearts Rhyming Book

By Abbey Wedgeworth, illustrated by Emma Randall
from 15 reviews

A charming rhyming book that celebrates God’s good design for our hands, motivating children aged 3+ to use their hands to glorify God.

Part of the Training Young Hearts series.

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This charming rhyming book celebrates God’s good design for our hands, motivating children aged 3+ to use their hands to glorify God.  

Children will be inspired by all the creative and interesting things their hands can do—they can even use them to bring comfort and joy to others! They’ll discover that Jesus had hands just like ours and that he always used his hands in the most amazing ways, including to save us. 

Not only that: the way that Jesus used his hands means that we can be forgiven when we use our hands in the wrong way. Children are invited to pray for forgiveness when they make mistakes, and for help to use their hands in the ways God intends. The book’s fun rhyming style and colourful illustrations make it easy to engage with this life-altering message of repentance, forgiveness, and grace-fuelled obedience. 

Your Amazing Hands is part of the Training Young Hearts series, which consists of board books for toddlers as well as rhyming books for children over 3. All the books in the series train young hearts through the gospel, both by showing Jesus as an example and by explaining how his grace enables us to change. Parents, teachers and other loved ones can refer back to these resources when specific behaviours need to be both corrected and connected to forgiveness, grace and growth.

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Age range: 3+
Contributors Abbey Wedgeworth, Emma Randall
ISBN 9781784989699
Format Hardback
First published June 2024
Dimensions 210mm x 210mm x 9mm
Weight 0.33 kg
Language English
Pages 32
Publisher The Good Book Company

J.D. Greear

J.D. Greear is the pastor at The Summit Church

A delightfully creative and insightful book that teaches our kids that Christianity is not just about behavior change, but heart change, too.

Jane Watkins

Director of Mentoring, Growing Young Disciples

Simplifying biblical truth for children takes a lot of hard work, and Abbey has done it creatively, faithfully, and accessibly. Your Amazing Hands will help children to see the wonderful gospel story—and help parents to see gospel opportunities in everyday situations.

Caroline Saunders

Author, The Story of Water and The Story of Home

I adore how Abbey has brought her distinctive, gospel-centered encouragement and equipping to this series! Your Amazing Hands is a fun, engaging read that kids and caregivers will reach for often. They’ll find themselves slowly shaped to use their hands in a way that esteems the way Christ used his hands—to save us and bring us to himself.

Customer reviews

5 Jun 2024

“Great book to learn God's simple love”

Your Amazing Hands is a wonderful book that simply conveys that God loves us so much that no matter what we DO, as long as we run to Jesus, He can help us change in our hearts, which will lead to change in our actions.

I love the sweet illustrations and simple story that will help children learn the simple truth of God's love through Jesus.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

5 Jun 2024

“Communicates Deep Truths”

We absolutely love this sweet book! My two-year-old is wanting to read it multiple times a day, every day!
The rhythmic pattern is easy to follow, fun to read, and communicates deep truths - from God as our creator to Jesus as our Savior, what our hands were created to do and not do, and how we honor God with our hands and ask for forgiveness when we use our hands against others.
The illustrations in this series display a wide variety of kids and gives readers the chance to see themselves on pages or learn about other types of people that God created.
This book has been a springboard for some good questions and discussions, and I’m sure we will be enjoying it daily for awhile to come ☺️

2 Jun 2024

“Another great book in the Training Young Hearts series!”

Another great book in the Training Young Hearts series! This charming rhyming book celebrates God’s good design for our hands, inspiring children to use their hands to glorify God and honor others. I love how these books are fun for little ones and helpful to parents in teaching their children the Gospel in an age-appropriate and substantial format. I highly recommend this one and the other board books in the series. It's worth noting that the book includes cartoon-style depictions of Christ, which might be something to consider if your family has specific convictions on that.

31 May 2024

“A new family favorite”

With 4 kids 6 and under, there is a lot of “we don’t hit” and “we don’t take a toy away from someone else”. Abbey did wonders with this book helping to point out what good things our children’s hands can do and how they also can do things that don’t follow God’s ways. The gospel message woven in is so natural and easy to understand that I really love reading it to remind my kids and myself of the amazing love and sacrifice of Jesus.

We have read “What are hand for?” Which it the board book, lift the flap version of this book. While that book is great and interactive, my kids have loved this one even more. Since we have read this book for the first time, I have been ask to read it MULTIPLE times every single day.

I hope each of the Training Young Hearts board books turns into a picture book like this since they are such a hit with my family!

25 May 2024

“Practical, biblical, SO good!!”

The “Training Young Hearts” board book series has been a big hit in our home. This book skews slightly older but is just as good as the others!

The book is colorfully illustrated, super engaging and incredibly practical for littles as they learn about the good things they can do with their hands along with things that God did not design their hands for.

I love the diverse representation of characters (which brought about a conversation with one of my kids about vitiligo) and the presentation of the gospel.

I love the practicality of this book as well as the important message of the gospel that it incorporates. So well done!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

25 May 2024

“Gospel-centered, engaging read-aloud!”

I love how this book explains the gospel clearly, while also teaching kids the proper way to use their hands. Using the gospel to explain how we should use our bodies, makes it fun and engaging for kids of all ages, and helps them to have a deeper understanding of what Jesus did for them. Jesus used His hands to heal, serve, wash feet, pray, and welcome those that no one else would go near. And so, we should do the same. It makes it simple and will encourage kids to be kind and pray when they are not. God forgives you and will help you obey. “You can say no to wrong! You can do what is right!”

This concise yet theologically sound rhyming book is a must-have for your home libraries. It is a delightful read aloud that your kids will ask for again and again. My daughter loves the illustrations and wants me to tell her what the kids are doing with their hands on every page, and then she tries to copy them. There are matching Bible verses to show where Jesus used His hands to heal and serve. This is sure to be a new favorite from the Training Young Hearts series.

*Thank you so much to The Good Book Company for providing me with a copy of this wonderful book in exchange for my honest review.

24 May 2024

“This wonderful book shows the gospel in how we use our body (hands), for young readers!”

I have absolutely love the books from this series! While this one is a little different from the other four books it is still very much gospel focused. It teaches children how God has made our hands to do so many amazing things, but how we sometimes use our hands to sin. Abbey shares the gospel story of how Jesus came and how If we believe in Him we can find forgiveness in him. She also shares how we can ask the Holy Spirit for help to use our hands the way in which God intended. If you are familiar with her other books, the message is the same in this one, but it is more for older children. Done in a picture book style this time and with more words, children will learn of the grace and forgiveness that can be found in Christ. Definitely reccomend and love these books!

Thank you @thegoodbookcompanyusa for a copy of this book for my honest thoughts!

23 May 2024

“Adorable Rhyming Book!”

I absolutely loved this book!
It is so sweet wrote, with rhyming words, and beautifully explaining the gospel to young kids!
The illustrations are sweet and sincere!
This may be one of the best children’s book out there!

22 May 2024

“Excellent Teaching Tool”

This is a shorter version of my full review, which you can read at

In this book, Abbey Wedgeworth teaches preschool-aged kids to appreciate what God created their hands to do, such as clapping, building, creating, squeezing someone's hand to reassure them, and doing everyday tasks like getting dressed. Then she names things that we shouldn't do with our hands, such as hitting someone to hurt them, throwing things in anger, pointing to blame someone, stealing things, and pushing people because we want to be first.

After that, Wedgeworth says that God knew that we wouldn't always use our hands like we should, and that this is why God sent Jesus. She describes ways that Jesus used his hands to help people, and she writes about how he stretched out his hands to die on a cross. Then she writes about Jesus's resurrection, and she explains that the same power that rose Jesus from the dead lives in us, and that the Holy Spirit enables us to fight our temptations and do the right thing. She tells children that when we sin, we can pray to God for forgiveness and for help to obey. The book ends on the hopeful note that Jesus will make us like him one day, and encourages kids to remember what Jesus has done for us.

The rhyming text flows well, the illustrations from Emma Randall are cute and colorful, and the book offers a surprisingly thorough gospel message in a small package. The author explains concepts related to justification and sanctification in a simple, kid-friendly way, and offers hope and encouragement instead of only telling kids how to behave. This book is ideal for parents to use with their children, and it will also be great for many churches and Christian schools.

Note: I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

17 May 2024

“Beautiful Book for Little Ones”

The text points the young reader to Christ. Christ did only good and used His hands to serve. He knew we would fail so he stretched his hands out on the cross. He died and rose! "So the power that raises him could live inside you."

There so many things I love about this book: the clear presentation of the Gospel, the diverse group of children, and bright illustrations.

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Your Amazing Hands | Abbey Wedgeworth, Emma Randall |