Encouraging young people to read the Bible – Why bother?

Martin Cole | 29 Feb 2012

Overhearing children or teens talking about the Bible is one of those rare treats—the great realisation that they’re reading it for themselves, plundering God’s Word, and it’s having an impact on their lives and their friends’ lives. We can spend so much of our time teaching and talking about the Bible with them, yet we’re surprised when they take it in and start delving into it by themselves. We sometimes forget the power of God’s awesome word, and the work of the Holy Spirit in opening up the Bible to them.

Perhaps we’re even guilty of not expecting them to read the Bible for themselves at all. There can be the assumption that young people hardly read books anymore, so they’re not going to open up a dusty old Bible. And because we don’t expect them to get stuck into the Bible, we don’t encourage it as much as we could. Let’s not sell God’s Word short.

If our heart’s desire is to bring children and young people to know Christ and to live for Him, then we need to employ the best home tutor we have available—the Bible itself. Let's strive to get them into the habit of reading the Bible for themselves—it’s the best teacher they’ll ever encounter. Over the next few days on the blog we're going to be encouraging each other to do just this.

Need any further reasons? Well, it pleases God, as they get to grips with the word of truth (2 Timothy 2 v 15); they need it for growth, just as a baby craves its mother’s milk (1 Peter 2 v 2); it aids their discernment of spiritual truth (Acts 17 v 11); and will build their knowledge and understanding (Psalm 119 v 130); so they can share their faith more effectively (1 Peter 3 v 15); and it helps them to fight against sin (Psalm 119 v 11).

So what are we waiting for?

Martin Cole

Martin Cole was a staff writer at The Good Book Company for many years working on Discover and Engage. He now works for a children's charity. Martin is married to Kirsty and has two children. He is a passionate lifelong supporter of Chesterfield FC.