Your Church Can Own Christmas This Year

Joe Henegan | 29 Nov 2018

Christmas is upon us. The big adverts are out, the high street/shopping mall is super busy and there are snowflakes on all the food packaging. People are expectant. Can you feel it?

Church, now is your time to shine. You’ve got this. You know the gospel, you preach it well, week in, week out. There’s nothing to panic about. It’s going to be church, just as we know it, but more… tingly.

While many commercial, secular Christmas celebrations may be able to outdo us in budget and size, they cannot get near the authentic intimacy and community of a local church’s carol service. Only we can do this, and it's our responsibility to get it right.

So this is Christmas

So this is Christmas


Discover how to enjoy a peace-filled Christmas with friends, family—and God.

So let’s do a last minute check that you’ve got all the pieces in place...

  • Candles? Of course.

  • Choir? Absolutely.

  • Mulled wine/punch? Quite possibly.

  • Activities for kids? Easy.

  • Decorations? No problem.

  • A great Christmas sermon, with accompanying resources to promote your services and to ensure that people leave with a compelling message about the true meaning of the season? Hmmm...

It’s hard to pull together a new Christmas outreach campaign every year. But we’re here to help, and that’s why we’ve put together a package of resources to take the pressure off.

So This Is Christmas Service Resources

Rico Tice’s new Christmas tract will help your guests discover how to enjoy a peace-filled Christmas with friends, family and God. It is perfect to give away at Christmas services and other evangelistic events. To download all of the resources shown below, click here

So This is Christmas service video

This video can be used both in the run-up to the event and during the service itself.

Sermon slides

These 3 slides will not only save you heaps of time but are professionally designed to create consistency throughout your promotion in the run-up to your Christmas service.

Use this slide to draw attention to the book and encourage your congregation to pick up a copy after the service:

Use this slide as the background on your powerpoint presentation throughout the service:

This slide could be used alongside your service notice in the run-up to the event. Simply add your own details in the space provided:

Social media share square

This will help you promote your christmas outreach services through online channels. Add details of your services in the space provided before sharing on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It's great to encourage members of your church to share your posts and make the image available to them so they can use it as their profile picture:

Find out more about the booklet and order your copies here. Download the above resources here.

Joe Henegan

Joe is our Marketing Manager. He lives in South London with his wife and two daughters and is a member at River Church Sutton - part of the Newfrontiers network - where he runs a small group and various outreach activities.