The Acts of the Holy Spirit infographic

Andre Parker | 22 Aug 2012

And here is our latest exciting infographic: a timeline of Acts and the Epistles.

Sandy Grant

11:01 PM AEDT on January 8th
Thanks for this very helpful chart.

Is it possible to include in the fine print somewhere a reference to which works of which NT historians you are relying on. There are a couple of dating issues that affect this chart. For example, Paul Barnett inclines towards 33AD rather than 30AD for the crucifixion date.


12:54 PM AEST on May 6th
I can't read it - resolution is off..


7:45 PM AEST on May 6th
Hi Dawson,

Thanks for your comment. You should be able to get a higher resolution version by clicking on the image. If you are still having problems with the resolution, please e-mail and we'll send you a high resolution version by e-mail.

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The Good Book Blog Team

Andre Parker

André is Head of Design and Art Direction at The Good Book Company and co-creator of the popular Seek and Find children's series. André lives in London with his wife Sarah and their four children. He is a member of Holy Trinity Clapham in London.