Luke 12-24 For You

For reading, for feeding, for leading

Applied, easy-to-follow expository Bible-study guide to Luke chapters 12-24.

Part of the God's Word For You series.

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Luke 12-24: The kingdom is opened

Also available

The second half of Luke's Gospel sees Jesus walking to Jerusalem to die on his cross in order to open his kingdom to anyone who would come. Luke offers joyful certainty not just that God's kingdom is perfect, but that its gates are open.

With a close attention to the text and a focus on real-life application, Mike McKinley brings us face to face with Jesus in a compelling way for both experienced and new readers of this Gospel.

There is an accompanying Good Book Guide available containing Bible studies for small groups.

Product details


  • Introduction
    1. Be Dressed Ready
    2. The Narrow Door and the Reluctant City
    3. A Free Invite to a Costly Life
    4. The Lost Parables
    5. Ins and Outs
    6. The Kingdom is Coming
    7. Into the City
    8. Tension Rising
    9. Stand Firm
    10. Betrayed and Disowned
    11. The Curtain has Torn
    12. The Next and Never-Ending Chapter

Free extras


Contributors Mike McKinley
ISBN 9781784981112
Format Paperback
First published April 2017
Dimensions 135mm x 216mm x 15.3mm
Weight 0.26 kg
Print size 9.5pt
Language English
Pages 224
Publisher The Good Book Company
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Luke 12-24 For You | Mike McKinley |