Get quarterly issues of Explore, our daily Bible readings for adults, delivered direct to your door. You can also gift a subscription to someone else.
Part of the Explore series.
Our Explore Bible-reading notes will help you to dig into passages from the Bible on a daily basis.
Each three-month issue contains passages from Old and New Testaments, with psalms in every issue. There are helpful comments and questions from a wonderful selection of trusted Bible teachers.
This annual subscription means your devotions for the whole year are organised, arriving on your door step every quarter.
You can also gift an annual subscription. Simply enter your recipient's shipping address at checkout and give them something that will last all year.
You will receive the January-April issue in December, the April-June issue in March, the July-September issue in June and the October-December issue in September. If you join part way through a quarter you will receive the issue for the next quarter the month before it starts.
Format | Paperback |
Dimensions | 148mm x 210mm |
Weight | 0.14 kg |
Language | English |
Pages | 96 |
Publisher | The Good Book Company |
Explore has daily readings that are:
• Reliable; clearly applied Bible teaching covering Old and New Testaments
• Manageable; a suggested 15 minutes per study with optional cross references for further reading
• Flexible; dated and numbered readings so you can go at your own pace
• Incisive; not a 'thought for the day' approach, but clear and careful teaching within the context of the whole of the Bible's revelation.
An inter-denominational team of contributors includes Tim Chester, Marcus Nodder, Tim Keller, Ray Ortlund Jr and Tim Thornborough.
If you want reliable guides to lead you, with a light but faithful touch, as you work through and apply chunks of Scripture in your own life, there's no need to look any further than this wonderful series.
A trustworthy and convenient tool for helping people to dig into the Scriptures themselves.
Reading the Bible daily is an integral part of growing as Christians, and these notes are practical and insightful. Many in our congregation have been greatly blessed through their daily use.
I have been using these notes for around 2 months. They are a manageable and enjoyable means of daily Bible reading. I also find comments posted on the Facebook Group, helpful and encouraging.
Explore offers a sound way of engaging with Scripture and knowing the richness of the character of our Father God as we read of his word and action in all history. I have found that very helpful and securing the older I get and have to deal with some tough situations in life and relationships.
The studies are informative and change up during your 3 month plan. Sunday's have been going thru the book of Psalms. Always look forward to the next book coming out.
I have been reading Explore notes for over 20yrs and find them invaluable. As the Bible is the living and active Word of God I am constantly learning more and these notes are so helpful to my studies.
I find the readings very helpful and encouraging in living as a Christian
Love having this resource
Explore is a very good Bible study in my view, as it allows me to focus on a specific chapter or section of a Bible book. I find this adds more than just reading sections of the text, as you can get more out this way.
Ive been using Explore now for many years. I love the way we work through a book of the Bible together and think through Easter and Christmas. It’s well thought out, challenging, encouraging and engaging. Whether you are a new Christian or a veteran, Explore helps the Scriptures capture my mind and heart everyday
Annual subscription avoids the last minute scramble to reorder at the end of the quarter. The breadth of Scripture included and the thoughtful and thought provoking commentary is spiritually helpful and refreshing
I find explore incredibly annoying! I just want a Bible study that gives me the answer straight away and doesn't demand that I dig into scripture myself. I want some little bible factoids but don't want to be confronted on how I am living and thinking. I don't want to be prompted to praise God or confess my sin when I don't feel like it. I want Bible notes that cover the parts of the bible that are easy to read and I'm familiar with.
Explore doesn't give you this option! It's so annoying!
But I thank God he has given me not the resource that I would "feel like" but the one that my soul needs!
Explore offers real lasting encouragement in the eternal truths of scripture. When it does confront. It does so with a pastoral heart- like a surgeons scalpal.
Get explore! Get it for your friends! It might annoy you sometimes! But stick at it to behold his Glory!